Our Porpose of Life

what is your purpose of life???

You are not life at an eternal world, and you will find the end of your life, but it's not important. Ending of our life is not importan, there are has the most important behind it. What is it?

it is a LIFE AFTER DEATH. An eternal life. But we don't know how our life there? Just has 2 place, heaven or hell, and no one make certain about this, except our self. And what our preparation to welcoming our last life? With the bad deeds or the good deeds with islamic morality? And we using our life with obidienity and loyality to our Creator (Alloh almighty) or using our life in violation on Alloh's law and immoral deeds?
Cause we all are human. We all not same with animal. Animal life with unable of thinking, just instinct. Looking for food for today, and tomorrow, they looking for food again till the death. No orientation, but human??? If human life like a n animal it's too sad. What we do with our brain and our heart? Or animal is better than human, cause animal can give benefit and useable for human with eggs, meal, milk etc. But we???
I think we can -as long as He give right to life in this world- get up. We must dedicate our life to our faith, to our beloved person sourronding of us, to our parents, our teachers, and our state.

Now, lets listen the positive song about animal...

Aku senang aku senang (i'm happy...)
Tapi bingung aku bingung (but i'am stay confused)
Aku senang aku senang (i'm happy...)
Tapi heran aku heran (but i'am stay amazed)
Dan akupun bertanya pada semua ikan di kolam (and i ask to all of fish on the pool)
Tiadakah kau bosan di situ (do you bored there)
Dan diapun menjawab tiada bosan (and he answered: i never be bored)
Walau berada di tempat sekecil ini (although life at this little place)
Karena ku disini setiap hari bersama Tuhanku (cause i stay here with my Lord)

Dan akupun bertanya pada laron-laron beterbangan (and i ask to flying white ant)
Mengapa kau hidup semalam (why you life just a night)
Dan diapun menjawab tiada tersia (and he answered: no...)
Walau hanya semalam aku hidup di dunia (although just a night i life)
Karena dalam semalam aku hidup kusebut Tuhanku (cause in this night i mention my Lord)

Aku senang aku senang (i'm happy...)
Tapi bingung aku bingung (but i'am stay confused)
Aku senang aku senang (i'm happy...)
Tapi heran aku heran (but i'am stay amazed)
Dan akupun bertanya pada semut-semut disarangnya (and i ask to the ants in the lair)
Tidakkah kau rasa lelah bekerja (do you tired for working a long day?)
Dan diapun menjawab tiada lelah (and he answered: never)
Walau sepanjang hidup aku terus bekerja (although all time i always working)
Karena setiap saat dalam bekerja bersama Tuhanku (cause everytime i work with my Lord)

Dan aku bertanya pada jiwaku (and i ask to my self)
Sejauh apa hidup tanpa Tuhanku (do i life with my Lord?)
Dan aku bertanya pada hatiku (and i ask to my heart)
Sedalam apa hidup tanpa Tuhanku (do i stay life with my Lord?)
Dan aku bertanya pada diriku (and i ask to my self)
Sekeras apa kerja tanpa Tuhanku (why am i work without my Lord?)